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Adaptations of the RBR include official modifications of the RBR for unique populations, and other initiatives for care of infants and children.

1. Nunavut Well Baby Record
2016 Nunavut Well Child Record: A working group of Community Health Nurses and Public Health Nurses, in consultation with the RBR authors and with Dr. Amber Miners, Chief of Pediatrics at Qikiqtani General Hospital, has adapted the 2014 Rourke Baby Record for use in Nunavut. Since items unique to Nunavut have been added without levels of evidence, all fonts reflecting strength of recommendation have been omitted on the Nunavut Well Child Record. It is available at:

2011 Nunavut Well Baby Record: This was originally launched as a modification of the 2009 RBR with the permission of the authors as part of the Nutaqqavut (our children) Heath Information System which included prenatal, birth defect, and well baby/child forms and resources.

2. Northwest Territories
The NWT Well Child Record is the standard tool for screening and recording all well child assessments in the Northwest Territories (NWT). The NWT Well Child Record is based on the 2014 adapted Rourke Baby Record. NWT specific modifications were made based on input from NWT specialists as well as community health nurses, the primary users of the forms. The areas of adaptation for NWT include the addition of more detailed documentation on areas of specific concern, such as dental health and breastfeeding, as well as the inclusion of some additional process information such as referrals made.
NWT Well Child resources may be found here:

3. Nova Scotia Rourke Baby Record
In consultation with the RBR authors, the Nova Scotia Reproductive Care Program along with stakeholders and those with expertise in newborn care, has adapted the 2017 Rourke Well Baby Record for use in Nova Scotia.

Several items specific to Nova Scotia have been added without levels of evidence and are identified with green font throughout the document. The immunization record and Resources 4: “Early Child Development and Parenting Resource System and Local Resources/Referrals Table” have been changed to reflect the Nova Scotia immunization schedule and Provincial resources. The Nova Scotia version of the 2017 Rourke Baby Record is available at: