Anemia/irondeficiency screening: Screening should be considered between 6 and 18 months of age for infants/children at risk due to factors including low birth wt and prematurity; social determinants of health; recently arrived from resource poor countries; or diet (infants/children fed whole cow’s milk before 9 months of age or at quantities > 500 mls/ day; prolonged bottle feeding beyond 15 months of age; or sub-optimal intake of iron-containing foods). Beyond this age, screening as per additional risk factors.
Iron requirements (CPS)
Universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS): Effectively identifies infants with congenital hearing loss and allows for early intervention & improved outcomes. Effectiveness of UNHS (JGH)
Tuberculosis screening: For up-to-date information, see Canadian TB Standards: 2022
Hemoglobinopathy screening: Consider screening neonates from high-risk groups.