Infant crying/colic: Excessive crying may be caused by behavioural or physical factors, or be the upper limit of the normal spectrum. Colic: Recurrent and prolonged periods of infant crying, fussing, or irritability onset <5 months old that occur without obvious cause and cannot be prevented or resolved by caregivers. Caregiver frustration with infant crying can lead to child maltreatment/inflicted injury (head injury, fractures, bruising). The Period of Purple Crying Colic and Crying (CPS Caring for Kids)
Night waking: Occurs in 20% of infants and toddlers who do not require night feeding. Counselling around positive bedtime routines (including training the child to fall asleep alone), removing nighttime positive reinforcers, keeping morning awakening time consistent, and rewarding good sleep behaviour have been shown to reduce the prevalence of night waking, especially when this counselling begins in the first 3 weeks of life. Healthy sleep (CPS Caring for Kids)
Assess healthy sleep habits: Adequate sleep (quality and quantity for age) is associated with better health outcomes. Recommended sleep duration per 24 hrs – infants 0–3 months: 14-17 hrs; 4–12 mos: 12 – 16 hrs; 1–2 yrs: 11-14 hrs; 3–5 yrs: 10-13 hrs. Turn off computer/TV screens 60 minutes before bedtime. No computer/TV screens in bedroom.
CSEP Recommended amount of sleep (AASM)
Sleeping Behaviour (EECD) Healthy sleep (CPS Caring for Kids)