- Important: Corrected age should be used up to 24 to 36 months of age for premature infants born at <37 weeks gestation.
- Measuring growth: The growth of all term infants, both breastfed and non- breastfed, and preschoolers should be evaluated using the 2014 Canadian growth charts based on the WHO Child Growth Standards (birth to 5 years) For birth to 2 years, evaluation includes measurement of recumbent length, weight-for-length assessments and head circumference. For ages ≥ 2 years, use standing height, weight, and calculation of BMI.
- Time to regain birth wt depends on mode of delivery (C/S vs vaginal) and milk source (breast vs formula). Nomograms exist: e.g. NEWT tool
Discharge planning of the preterm infant (CPS)
WHO Growth Charts Adapted for Canada with BMI tables and BMI calculator (DC) Growth Monitoring (CTFPHC) Optimal growth monitoring (CPS) Atypical growth (CPS)