Manoeuvres are based on evidence-based literature on milestone acquisition. Evidence-based milestone ages (PCH). They are not a developmental screen, but rather an aid to developmental surveillance. They are set after the time of typical milestone acquisition. Thus, absence of any one or more items is considered a high-risk marker and indicates consideration for further developmental assessment, as does parental or caregiver concern about development at any stage. Assessment tools Table 4 (CPS) | Global Delay (CPS)
- Best Start website contains resources for maternal, newborn, and early child development
- Getting it right at 18 months (CPS) | Measuring in support of early childhood development (CPS)
- Identifying and treating speech & language delays (PCH) | Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development
Parent Resources
Caring For Kids - Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS)
Your Child’s Development – What to Expect - Canadian Paediatric Society – Caring for Kids
Bedwetting - Canadian Paediatric Society – Caring for Kids
Autism spectrum disorder: What you need to know - Canadian Paediatric Society - Caring for Kids.
Caring for Kids New to Canada - Canadian Paediatric Society.
About Kids Health - The Hospital for Sick Children
Bed-Wetting (Enuresis) - The Hospital for Sick Children – AboutKidsHealth
Early language development in babies and toddlers - The Hospital for Sick Children - AboutKidsHealth
Babbling with your child - The Hospital for Sick Children - AboutKidsHealth
Tips for developing language at 3 years - The Hospital for Sick Children - AboutKidsHealth
Sensory development and activities for children older than 2 years - The Hospital for Sick Children - AboutKidsHealth
Spatial reasoning skills: How to foster in children - The Hospital for Sick Children - AboutKidsHealth